18: professional underdogs
When we bought the tickets, and his humour I didn't think
Semi-Pro would have been interesting. I don't know Will Ferrel that well. The only other movie starring him that I did catch was
Blades of Glory, even so, I was home and nodding off to sleep. But back to
It's one of your typical underdog-wins-at-the-end feel-good kinda show. Hello Hollywood, you really
are running out of ideas aren't you? Basically put it's about a has-been singer who had a one-hit wonder and used the money to buy a basketball team in his hometown. They suck, save for one or two players but it's more about performance and engaging the crowd and entertainment that matters to them. Or the coach who is the forward and said has-been (Will Ferrel).
Cue in some problem or rather and they need to up their game in order to qualify or be part of the NBA team. Coach trades in a washing machine (this was hilarious though sad, I mean imagine soccer players are traded for a HUGE sum of money and this guy gets traded for a washing machine) for an ex-player of the Celtics and he comes in and everyone thinks he's a hotshot but he isn't and he has his own angsty issues yaddayaddayadda.
But he knows how to play the game and eventually ends up coaching the team. They end up pretty decent. Actually having
proper strategies and tactics to win the game. I shan't spoil everything else, it isn't hard since the plot is just
so damn predictable. It's a good barrel of laughs when you need something to perk you up after a rather tedious day at work. Acting was alright. I'm no fan of the 70s but the atmosphere was pretty authentic. I just can't get over the weird hairstyles - mullets, afros, really curly do's. Yeah.
You can blow $8 bucks on it or you can wait for it to come out on DVD. Not a must-watch. And speaking of paying for tickets;
Golden Village has revised their pricing scheme. Bloody hell, it's all superduper expensive. As if inflation rates and the 7% GST wasn't enough. How does the government expect us to survive and be able to live well when they already dock 20% of our pay to CPF, raise transport fares, GST to 7% and everything else. With all the talk about the GST offset and shit, everyone's saying that once they give money to us (one of the
sad perks of being above 21), they're going to find a way to take it back.
In other news, how many of us are actually quite superstitious? Was reading some interesting articles in the local forums and came across one that fit the superstitious bill. About a boy in Malaysia whose shadow was pierced through when he was watching some construction guys doing their job. He fell sick and everyone found out (with the help of a
jengjengjeng priest) that his spirit was trapped. I'm not sure if this is scientifically true. I'll ask the mother, she's the expert on spiritual and religious stuff. Most things may not scientifically make sense but the
other world really does exist. Some day I'll talk about my close encounters of the intangible kind.
It's the end of the week. I can't believe it. Time flies so fast and so slow all at the same time. The first week of April ended, without much fuss for April Fool's (didn't get tricked or jacked at all, too old for it?) and I'll be trying to cruise the next few weeks till payday.
Labels: movie review, stories