weekend number 1 of the sloth program
found another obsession besides
hell's kitchen. say hello to
30rock! yes i know i'm just a tad bit slow but you see, i rarely ever watch tv. or to put it more blatant,
i don't watch tv. not that i don't have the time, i kinda prefer being online as opposed to mooching on the couch. you'd think it was bad enough that i already spend so much time online at work that i'm suckered in at home but no. ok. well yes. it's a habit that i'll need to break. i tried, with the whole del mar experience but that was another depressing episode and hence, i'll just stick to watching random shows on online streaming sites.
it kills time. really. and i don't have to bother bout advertisements and other random nonsense that would otherwise spoil the whole experience. contemplating videologging but i look bad enough in pictures that i should spare everyone else the agony of looking at my really ugly mug.
in 3 days it'll be 15 days left to my birthday. i know the boyfriend has given up on trying to figure out what i want and hence has resorted to just getting a one night stay at a nice hotel and mooching there. guys don't really have that much originality. can't blame them. i don't suppose i'll actually take a day off from work because when you think about it, there isn't much that i can do. most people are busy or they forget that they have plans and make secondary plans and yadayadayada.
but since it's wednesday, i think i can afford to do a little
partying on my own and grab random people to go mambo with me or something. hopefully. getting semi-pissed drunk sounds good as well. but not always advisable since we all have to trudge into work the following day anyway. so we see how la.
i think i missed out on the macbook promotion that singnet was offering. ho well. missed opportunities, again, just like the shop that i usually go to thread my eyebrows is closed on the weekends. which i clearly remember them
not being closed but hey, it's ok. let's take it all in stride. so with random snacks found in the cupboard and episode 4 of
30rock completely uploaded, i bid ya'all a happy exciting weekend.
i'm determined to turn into a disgusting sloth. occasional running. should i go for paintball tomorrow? and my god, i didn't realise how quickly my account balance has fallen back to a 1. this is depressing. gyargh.
Labels: bored, life, rant, weekend