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Tuesday, April 29, 2008 10:39 AM
   69: good memory my ass

I keep forgetting to ask for receipts when I take cabs. Stupid. I've already wasted $30 when I could have expensed it. Fucking irritated with myself. Today is not going to be a good day. I can feel it, taste it and even smell it. But I did get to watch Harold & Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay and that cheered me up. Still. I hate conversations like that. This paranoia is getting to me and I just want. it. to. stop.

It's just money. Why am I so upset anyway?

So tired and in some ways, depressed. I doubled the dosage for last night's medication and perhaps that explains why physically I feel like crap. Woke up halfway during the night because sleep was so hard to come by and my body was in so much... anguish. I don't rightly know how to describe. Losing my voice. I just wanna go home.



Monday, April 28, 2008 12:24 AM
   68: irony

Why do I feel as if I'm neglected when that shouldn't be the case? Maybe I should be alone for awhile.


Sunday, April 27, 2008 10:11 PM
   67: don't write love songs

It's like being broken, somethings not quite right and you know you gotta fix it but the problem is that, you simply don't know how and where to begin. Watched Superhero, thank god we didn't waste money on movie tickets. The weather today really drove me nuts, what with it being so hot and humid and I just hated hated hated being all sticky-icky!


You'd think I'd be a little bit more... prepared about the presentation. Just finished the speech, tweaked the powerpoint and I'm gonna head to bed. Wake up semi early to run through, shower and get changed and everything else (and hope I look my geeky best) and cab over to YTSS. Bloodyfuckingfar. Not only that, I gotta head back into the office thereafter, finish up the Madonna nonsense and wait for an idiot who doesn't want me to pass him the tickets at Jurong East (eventho it's fucking near) and instead expects me to wait for him in my office.

The only perks are the movie tickets and expenses. Everything else, I really need a new place.



   66: cheap drunk

Bacardi Breezer. Jagerbomb. Beer. Vodka Redbull. Lychee Martini. Something funny with pineapple in it. Tequila shot.

Boo. Alcohol tolerance went down by sooooo much. Damn embarassing. But the night was so random and fun. From going over to FashionBar and landing ourselves in DblO where just as I came down from putting my bag in the holding area, we bumped into Gene! Or rather, ♥Trex saw him and then it's the end of the story.

It isn't weird to go clubbing, just the two of us, after all. Although I did have a dream that we want St. James instead of DblO and there was equal amount of madness there. Now my nose is leaking, I have to rush to get ready for class and attend my nephew's hair-shaving thingy later on. Also, Harold & Kumar: Escape from Guantanamo Bay!

I shoulda brought the camera but in the midst of all that fun, nahhh. Would have been nice to document the night and go over it and laugh over our silly drunken antics.

I said a lot of things about my hidden insecurities that night. I wake up wondering if I felt relieved or if I felt more worried. I try to hide the things that go about in my head and play havoc with my imagination and heart. I suppose at that point, it just came down to how I'm so tired of my own twisted perverse delusions and I just want them to stop. I wanted to know, forever and ever, I won't be left behind or be second-best. That feeling truly sucks.

You've really been a gem and I wonder just how the hell in the world you ended up with me. Maybe that's why it's so hard to believe eh?

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Saturday, April 26, 2008 3:59 AM
   65: trouble sleeping

Kept waking up. Tossing and turning. Now I'm just gonna sit here, look through the presentation, tweak the fucking speech and pray for sleep. Else, emulating a zombie looks good. I've just about started hating the weekend and it's stupidity and the lies of breaks and having fun.

I should have taken up that offer on a drink. Now 7-11's all closed and I have to wait till tonight for 'happy' time. My period's over (well, just about), so why do I still feel so miserable and angsty?

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Friday, April 25, 2008 11:57 PM
   64: escapism

Nights like this, I just wish I was dead.


   63: unhinged

That's pretty much how my right arm feels after beating people up in Bleach - Kurotsuchi Mayuri, Hanataro, Ichigo, Ishida. Then ♥Trex saw just how much fun I was having and decided to join in. Of which, I trashed him good. Forget finesse, it was all out arm-whacking/hacking/slashing.

Now I'm in pain and am super glad that the weekend is a couple (alright, many many many) hours away. Rest, relaxation and everything else. Today I'm supposed to get a pair of black/grey skinnies.

Oh god. My arm hurts like a bitch. Sat down to 'brainstorm' copy for an article in a magazine and came across shots of MOS. You know a particular room with cushy white seats and all? The first thing that came to mind was that. So yes, with that in mind, I'm tempted to drag unsuspecting fools to club and drink and party and have fun. The only sad thing is that, no one quite fits that demograph. Hence my life sucks.

Back to work. Fucking sleepy. Need coffee, not enjoying this the least bit. I get more attention from a piranha than I would from anyone else.

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008 10:36 AM
   62: the world ends with -you-

Or it ends with everyone else. The game is seriously confusing and I can't seem to get the sub thing to work out at all. So I hold it down and then slash or what? But the fella does nothing! That's alright. Last night was a major pig-out sesh after driving. Pasar malam food + Spongebob = superfull! But it was fun and I finished yet another level of Mario&Luigi hence, all is well.

Piping hot green tea turns lukewarm in a matter of minutes. It goes to show just how cold the office is. The temperature is 23° and below. But it really feels as if I'm in the arctic pole! Uhm yes. I'm still having horrible images burnt onto my retina but the vignette many nights ago eased a fair amount of distress. It seems that a run is in order tonight. Running eases period pains, did you know that? I'd love to just hit the road right after work but the idea of so many things to lug around and carry just turns me off.

Hence, the need to have a license, to be able to drive and toss all my things inside the car and not have to worry about shoulder pains from heavy bags.

Holyshite. The coffee KT made tastes like... uhm. Better not say. 16°! No wonder my fingers were frozen! We're all gonna be the cause of global warming man... Payday tomorrow yay!

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Tuesday, April 22, 2008 6:16 PM
   61: woe to the hair

Not smoked since lunch. Craving for that nicotine hit. Soon soon. What with driving at 7:15 tonight and seeing ♥Trex; (hopefullyperhaps) later.

Boredom is truly, an understatement. Surfing FaceBook, Friendster and blogs and realizing how I let dull trivialities eat my life. There's that possible ray of light - events management - though I'm not too sure bout the perks and benefit. This is as stable as everything gets.

How did I exactly strain my back while running? Sigh. Every inch is aching. About 10 to 15 minutes till work ends, free to make my way through the packed underground (like sardines!) towards Gombak. Gah. I just can't wait to get my practical over and done with so I won't waste evenings and weekend mornings going through routine.

Mental note to self: Don't forget how to parallel and vertical park.

Also, I butchered my fringe and hence look like a complete idiot. Nothing on this planet will save me. I hate my face. So much for losing weight. Grr. Plus got no rubberband to save me. Stupid bitch, why did she have to do what she did with the right side of my fringe?! &@^#

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   60: classical rampage

So apart from being all geeky and reading my usual Nintendo/Game sites, I'm digging celebrity gossip. Body's aching like hell after yesterdays 2 laps round the neighbourhood. This time I bypassed Chris's house and instead went on a steep uphill-downhill-uphill run with Bach, Beethoven and Tchaikovsky in my ears.

Strangely enough, classical music gave me more energy as opposed to hard-hitting emoscreamo pop music. Why is that?

Belly's full from lunch, major toilocaust and now I have green tea to detox. Driving later and my day's wrapped up. So what should I do now? I dunnoe... More gossip blogs? Teehee.

Crikey, that's so fuckin' bimbo la!

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Monday, April 21, 2008 11:20 PM
   59: money matters

I promise this'll be the last entry for today. More money issues. This is technically what I can claim from work:

- Internet
- Mobile
- Books related to work
- Transport
- Medical

Basically I think I'll only need to think bout giving my parents money. I suppose $350 every month will be ok. Mom will get $200 and Dad will get $150.

This month I need to:

$150 for Citibank
$50 for SingTel (port the line bitch!)
$140 Prudential
$50 EZLink (I'll just top it up one shot. I used up $20 so fast...)
$150 UOB (I dipped too much into my savings)

This will leave me with about $800. I will use $500 on food and other assorted entertainment. $300 is emergency cash. If I don't use it or use a little, the money goes in UOB. Process will be repeated for the following month.

This means I can't rightly say goodbye yet. Oh yeah. Must remember that every month Prudential will dock off $140 from my account for my savings plan. Be. More. Disciplined!

Between eating and smoking. Can I choose the latter and a cup of teh peng instead? :$



   58: you left me speechless

When you have no words to say, you listen to classical.

Bach - Air in G

My favourite out of his compositions. You can almost imagine freefalling, freewheeling into the darkness and the unknown. Your arms spread out way, the wind rushing against your face. Not a care in the world, not a care at all. Life flashes by you, memories of happiness and of course, sadness. This sense of... ease and peace fills you up, swallows you whole.

I'm gonna hit the streets with Bach.



   57: who needs them anyway

Who needs superheroes? It's not as if they can save everyone. Only those truly in need will get attention. Why would I need one? I kill cockroaches even though I'm fucking terrified of those creeps. I walk home alone most nights, where banglas and other random construction workers are all lepaking around with their bottles of cheap beer and playing crappy music. I pay for my bills and (most of) my driving fees. I travel everywhere myself, my brother rarely gives me a ride unless held at butterknife-point by mum.

So really. Why would I need one when I do almost everything by myself? I should just get married to myself. That would make it all better no? Of course it will. /sarcasm

But truly, the one thing that saddens me is that you think its so easy for me to move on. Well, you did tell me to fuck off till I know what you want and what I want. Honestly, I don't know what I want. Not anymore. And with regards to you, I don't think it matters anymore. You've taken your leave anyway. Just another status change, maybe block me on Friendster/FaceBook/MSN. Know what? It doesn't matter. I'm not gonna give you orders and turn you into a robot just to satisfy my whims.

But of course, it is easy for you. After all, the possibility of said nightmare happening is high isn't it? I remember what you said: It might happen. Well, now's a pretty good opportunity no? Say byebye to psycho girls who don't seem to know what they want.

Lesson to be learnt: Don't be such a stupid girl. Stop doing stupid things. Falling in love and love in general is a farce. I don't know why I do all those stupid silly things. After all, I am an insensitive selfish bitch. :)

But I will heed Chris's advice. Stay away from 'old' flames and keep away from 'new' ones. And thanks Warren for coming down to smoke with me. It cheered me up. I'm not crying. Not at all. Because it doesn't do anything and it's stupid anyway.

Hiatus, till I find something more interesting to talk about.

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   56: plans

This is lunch. Alone, away from people, finishing my smokes with coffee and maybe scratching my arms deep enough that they'll bleed. I'm a masochist, I like pain. Leave me alone. It's better than being treated the way I am anyhow.



   55: girlbonding

Met Leen for coffee at Starbucks. Or rather, I had the coffee and she had BK to fill her growling tummy. Mostly to keep her company as she studied, but the pigeons freaked her out and we saw this guy's shirt et attacked by icky slimy birdpoo. Poor fella and stupid birds. Got totally hooked onto Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time! that I didn't even notice her taking a picture of me, utterly engrossed in the game.

Got myself a shirt that I've been hunting for high and low. Shite, it's so expensive and I'll need a pair of jeans that actually compliment me and not make my thunderous elephant thighs look like Bratwurst sausages. My new image/fashion consultant. That girl has awesome dressing sense.

Have also agreed that when (and if) I pass my test May 16, we'll spend the weekends traversing Singapore and visiting the zoo, the science center, botanical gardens, the discovery center and everywhere else. Just the two of us with our weird quirky antics and photowhore moments. Maybe even a picnic by the side of the road or drive off to Sentosa and slack at Del Mar till sunset and watch the ang mohs try and pick other local girls up.

Idyllic no?

Met ♥Trex after at Vivo where I finally had a proper meal and he fixed the PSP which he so smartly 'bricked'. Things are back to normal and even the dodgy analog pad is fixed. There's nothing really nice to watch in the cinemas as of late and I'm dreading having to go into the office tomorrow. Such... dreariness. The long weekend was a blast and I truly enjoyed myself and finally got the chance to relax and everything else. Ho well.

Finished the first chapter and the prologue to Without Remorse (I know I know I need a better catchier name but it's been eluding me), but I sense that it feels a lil' flaky. Espionage, mercenary, assassinations and the like are all interesting. But I'm not quite sure what the plot is, everything's all sketchy and I'm writing as things come into my head. Bad planning (and oh I cancelled tomorrow's acoustic session. wheeee). Even trawling fanfiction.net isn't helping.

Need my muse. Need ideas. Need to head to Borders and pick up one of those books and find some form of inspiration.

I keep getting this feeling that there's something more. Just right there beneath the surface and I need to find the right things to say to scratch it all out. Damn I hate this. Why am I left to regurgitate everything when I have to poke and prod answers without having any form of consolidated spontaneous response?

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Sunday, April 20, 2008 2:28 AM
   54: what happened

It feels as if we're incapable of having decent conversations. You have this penchant for swerving offcourse each time I talk about something that's pretty important to me. It makes me wonder if you even know what's going on in my head or what's up on my side of the planet. Makes me feel more detached, distant and misunderstood. Makes me questions all the things you say - how much you love me and all - and if they're true or just excuses to stop me from thinking the possible.

It isn't impossible now is it? I could be led around like a blind fool. My period just came. That could be the main reason for the snipishness and the nightmarish dream I had a couple of nights back. Also, why do I have to plan for so many things?

It's finally sunk in. Being home on a Saturday night. Suddenly asking me to go over when the last bus was but minutes/seconds away. My refusal and your disappointment. Tell me these things in future. Full moon up in the sky fucks up my temperament big time. I need to stop seeing everything with sentimental-tinted glasses and just classify everything as sexsexsex.

Suppose life would be a hell lot more easier to live in that way eh?

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Saturday, April 19, 2008 9:47 PM
   53: head under water

I guess I don't get it or maybe I got off lucky. The muggers these days terrify me with the stress that they're putting up with. Is it their own? Is it from the parents or the schools? Perhaps it was a good thing to have finished everything off early. I don't know if I would have been able to handle it any better, should I still be in school. But one thing most definite, is to find a new job and to get something that pays off better.

So I'm home early on a Saturday night. Even the security guard asked me how come I wasn't out enjoying myself. I don't know. There isn't anything much to do anymore. I need to wait till I get my license then least, I have long car rides and Sara Bareilles to keep me company.

There won't be anywhere that'll be barred to me. It's just the wheels, the wind and me.

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   52: anything you can do

Suppose it goes both ways, in a sense. There isn't a point for me to be so paranoid and neurotic. What goes one way, can go for another. At the end of the day if it really does happen then it's for the benefit of both.

I think at the end of the day I've come to realize that alone or with someone it doesn't really matter I suppose. Sometimes I'm entertained by thoughts of being alone, remembering what it's like to be independent. Specially after reading an article about 'dating myself'. Suppose it's been awhile since I've actually been by myself. There's always plans somewhere with someone and there's nothing wrong with doing things by yourself - catching a movie, going shopping, eating at a restaurant and the likes.

Although the bit with social shindigs leave me a bit antsy, I suppose in due time I'll get over it. With a fair amount of games in my R4, I'm ready to take on the world. Or just... sit idly somewhere and be trapped in geeknerd wonderland.

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Friday, April 18, 2008 11:39 PM
   51: guilt

Before I go on to what happened today. Guilt sets in after asking daddy for some cash to sponsor driving. Here I am cavorting my pay away and not conributing much to the household income. Major guilt trip? Immense. Bad bad bad girl. This coming month will see more cash put back into savings (after paying the hefty amount of bills) and for God's sakes, someone please remind me to port my number. GAH! I keep passing by SingTel shops and always forget to get the StarHub number ported. Bloodyhell.

1. Bring mum go shopping.
2. Give dad and mum money.
3. NO MORE UNNECESSARY SPENDING (I promise I promise I promise)

Freelance + GST Offset + Pay + Claim.


Handphone bill, Prudential, Citibank.

Will that equate to enough savings? Forget that. I'll think about this when I'm less zoned out. Mom came in to tell me a lot of things and update on the family happenings. I'm not really sure what to say, just really detached from it all and pretending that we're all normal and stuff. But reality can be such a bitch and some people even more so.

Today was really really nice. Was late for driving and it was by far the fastest circuit in my life. Supposed ot have brekkie at Macs but Mister Dinosaur was still sleeping. So headed down to his place and we ended up having hawker fare for brunch - nasi lemak and prawn noodle soup. Bussed down to ViVo to take the train to jengjengjeng Sentosa!

I am still very much terrified of heights. The Skyride to get to the top of the hill for the Luge freaked me out. Quite literally. I sat really still for fear of falling off, causing the cables to snap or something or my sandals to drop many metres down to the ground. But it was pretty interesting because I met an ex-colleague (who is still as grumpy and unsociable as ever) and my ex-schoolmate! Of all places too. Luge was fun. Speeding, freaking out and having fun like a little girl (oh well, can't deny that I still am one somewhat).

Took a break after that and headed to Del Mar for some sun and reading. I meant to sleep but I got hooked onto a book that I borrowed from ♥Trex's brother. Chiclit. The sun was super hot for a bit and then it just cooled off. A bucket of Carlsberg and semi-high and then we ended up on the Luge for two more rides before walking bout Imbiah and taking silly shots. Oh yes, he was busy playing Mario after giving up on The Revolutionary Wealth.

Dinner at KFC (where as usual I could have died because I ate so much... think Katamari) and then headed back to his place to watch Mandy versus Codename: Kids Next Door. Gawd. Sometimes I'm such a kid but I do love C:KND and Number 1. An-Ee-Way. Chilled a bit till the parents and his brother came back and the boy, who just finished 10 days in BMT, regaled us with stories. Hilarious.

Teh peng and a bus back and here I am back home. Was quite peeved with this modded car that was making a hell of a noise as it zoomed down the road outside my house. I hate these stupid silly drivers who think it's oh-so-cool to speed and endanger the lives of everyone else. I couldn't give a fuck about their lives, if they die from it serves them right. But it's not nice to drag other people into the same pit as you. Stupid stupid stupid. Really. If you wanna drive, go train to be a Formula 1 driver or something and stop being a nuisance and a danger to the public.

Fucking idiots.

Enough about that. Finally, tomorrow I can wake up late and not need to rush for anything. Tomorrow I shall do a draft for a novellete that's been in the works for awhile. Not that being a writer here in Singapore will amount to anything, but at least I'll finish something that I had set out to do since 2004. Yes... that's 4 years a lil' too slow.

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   50: ace attorney

After weeks of non-playing, finally got around to completing Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I just wanted to know the ending. Talk about twists, it really wedges your undies making you go 'whaaaaaaaat?!'. All that's left now is to load Apollo Justice and start it up again.

Last night I had a conversation with an acquaintance discussing dreams, fate, relationships, love and people. Often, it's the insight given by people whom we rarely talk to that makes so much sense and at times, ends up being the light that guides us out of the darkness. Like so many dark turbulent moments that I've been having and unlike so many other people who would have told me otherwise, he told me to give things a chance. I grew up a little too fast to remember that enjoying child-like moments ain't so bad and harmful to the self and image. Yet... there's still so many things that pull me back and away from completely letting myself go.

A phonecall in the afternoon made my day (but sparked a lot of questions thereafter). I hadn't laughed that hard in awhile.

Lately it seems that a number of things been trivialized. I feel a lil' misunderstood. By a number of people. I'm becoming a little less... tolerant of things? Things that may have tickled my fancy once a long time ago? It isn't that I'm bored. There's something wrong and I think it lies in me. I don't know what. At times it seems that everything eventually falls into a sorta pattern. The similarities. Maybe I expected too much or... maybe I had thought wrong.

Regretting too much of the silly things that I've done. I ought to have woken up, accepted it and moved on. Yet I can't seem to get over the fact that I wasted so much potential, so much of my life. And I can't ever get it back.



Thursday, April 17, 2008 11:17 PM
   49: brain issues

I think there's something wrong with my head. Or my brain. Sometimes I get really really bad headaches - the kind that seems to throb with your every move - so bad that they ruin my mood and plans for the rest of the day/afternoon/evening. Today was one such case. Got it right after driving and after meeting ♥Trex and having lunch at Shokudo, things kinda went downhill.

My impending period is partly to blame for that as well. The food was alright, they're just like Marche only with a wider variety and selection of things to choose from. If my head hadn't been spinning so much, might have stayed for dessert (waffles and ice cream!). But yeah. Also, I got somewhat upset by something he said and that kinda ruined the mood for anything else.

Ho hum.

Seems like I won't be the only one porting numbers from my StarHub to my SingTel. Gonna be all the rage come the middle of the year. Also, sorta fell in love with one of SE's latest phone models - Sony Ericsson W380i.

Sports pretty nifty functions besides the usual Bluetooth. If say you wanna silence a call or an alarm, all you have to do is wave your hand back and forth over the camera. Those braille-ish buttons on the cover helps you to skip, play or foward a track from your mp3 collection. And you won't even need to flip it opn to do so nor see what track is playing (that wouldn't bother if you're like me and by 1 second of the intro you know what's the song).

Plus, I'm beginning to think that purple is actually pretty sexy. Lust? Most definitely. Screw the iPhone, Blackberries and Treos. This is going to be the next pretty thing I'm getting. Wonder if the headsets are purple as well as depicted in the brochure. The other awesome thing is that it's super light and sleek, comparable to the Motorola! I don't care if it's a 1.3megapixel camera. I already own a 7 megapixel digital camera and a DSLR (speaking of which, Shar is still holding on to it). This bit from a review wins me over as well:
On the upside, the W380i will connect to your PC via a special USB cable and it’ll be detected as a USB mass storage device, so you don’t need any annoying software to load your music onto it.
Oooooo! So sexysmexy! Yes that's it. I know what I want for my birthday. :D

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008 8:41 PM
   48: understated

I think disappointment is an understatement. I keep telling myself to stop relying on others so much and yet it keeps biting me back in the ass time and time again. Maybe I should just stop being so nice to people, be a complete bitch. Maybe then, I'll finally get what I want and things done my way. And perhaps then, I won't be taken for granted, be unappreciated.

Maybe... yeah. Maybe.



   47: superlatives

I'm most likely to have:

1. Every FaceBook application (seriously, wtf, I got rid of almost everything)
2. Need therapy (I'd like to know who voted this)

In anycase, got rid of it since it's yet another useless application that I could do without. I'm pretty much tired, wondering why people can just toss excuses my way and expect me to make so much effort when it's pretty clear that they're just lazy. I'm flattered you think I've brilliant organizational skills but I have a life and there are other things on my list that have more priority than you. So please, stop demanding and thinking I owe you when I don't.

When in actual fact, you owe me.

It's Wednesday. This means tomorrow I'm on leave all the way till next week. No silly e-mails from people who can't read English. No phonecalls from semi-stalkerish photographers. No need to rush this and that. No need to be all flustered to figure out what to wear. Thank god.

I can finally chillax.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 7:06 PM
   46: bloodyhell

Even though I type at an average of 93wpm, I was no match for those crazy people. Man, they must have stayed up the whole night. Or hell, even programmed their computers to do the dirty work for them. In anycase, now I feel more at ease. Not needing to wait for 1900hours.

I can finally do my 'homework' in peace.

I wasn't even in the top 100. So you can imagine how lightning-quick their reflexes must be.



   45: what?! rain again?!

This afternoon it was wild, the rain that is. So much water that no one dared to brave the weather to get a cup of coffee. Air-conditioning units were turned off because people were freezing (oh gee like finally). Me? I took a nap and then woke up after the showers for a chocolate bar and (shittycraptasting) coffee before settling down to (try) complete a presentation for the design competition.

All the while I have been tempted by numerous offers. But I remain steadfast, I will not cave in. Yet. The page says that there's still an hour and 21 minutes to go. People'll be leaving the office in about an hour's time, prolly leaving me to pack everything and lock the doors and leave. All for someone. Hmpf.

It's pretty bad when I'm actually dreaming about a nice bottle of Corona or Heineken or a glass of wine. Ok, more of the wine. FashionBar tomorrow night but my date still hasn't confirmed. This is really bad because there'll be someone there whom I don't fancy making small talk and all. It's so weird, or maybe I'll just not turn up at all. But c'mon! It's 1-for-1 for ladies. And I think I'm just about sounding like a mild-alcoholic.

Friends, enemies and whoever else who passes by;

Head down to Fashion Bar (Hed Kandi) at The Cannery
On 16 April (Wednesday)
At 10pm!

Enjoy groooooooooovy tunes from the 44Beatz crew and ladies get 1-for-1 drinks all night long!

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   44: questionable accent

YouTube surfing led me to a clip of the Flying Dutchman and The Sarong Party Girl in a sorta heated debate. Glanced through the comments to find that people were more aggravated by the fake/false/pseudo accents as opposed to the points brought across. So I clicked to see if the accent was really that jarring that it drowns out any sense of logic and rationale.

Have to admit that I agree with them. Some of her words were pronounced classically as how a S.E Asian would say it and then she shoves in some slang here and there to toss it up like a Caesar salad. Couldn't really bare watching the whole thing though. Even XX sounded decent and palatable.

Though who am I to complain really. An unmistakably odd accent (not sure if it's American or Australian but I've been told it's a combination of both. seriously, whaaaaat?) appears when I'm just-about plastered. It's really funny. Maybe that's how I slur when I'm intoxicated. Hmm.



   43: hair vanity

Semi-retro indie-ish with a dash of the alternative make for good company when you're having a less than stellar day in the office/classroom. Here's my choice:

  1. Peter, Bjorn and John - Young Folks
  2. Incubus - Pistola
  3. The Killers - When We Were Young
  4. Brilliant Green - Ash Like Snow
  5. Cartel - Wasted
  6. Paramore - Stop This Song (Lovesick Melody)
  7. Madonna ft Justin Timberlake & Timbaland - 4 Minutes
I have homework to complete by tonight. That and waiting for a specific button to load at 7pm (GMT+8) to click. As usual it's fuckin' freezing but the people here are like polar bears and complain if the temperature rise to above 23°. Let me enlighten you on some facts about rebonding.

"Hair rebonding is actually a chemical process whereby the chemical bonds in your hair will be broken, rearranged and bonded back again permanently," says Bis Studio hair technician Sybill Foo.
The first bit that happens is they apply this chemical onto your hair to 'break the bonds' in the hair structure. Left on for some time, the hairdresser will check a single strand on different parts of the head to see if the chemical has taken effect. Depending on how thick and long your hair is, it may take 15 to 50 minutes. Mine took quite awhile since I have hair like Rapunzel. No, not gloriously blonde and shiny but thick and dry as hell (or hay, in this case).

Next, they'll wash the chemical off, put a bit of conditioner and then dry it. The next bit is what gives you your uber straight hair - the straightening. The flat-irons cannot exceed 180° in heat. Else your hair will just be fried fried fried. They'll apply some other cream to set the chemical and straightness in then it's another wait before you wash it off (again) and condition. Then they'll blow-dry your hair and cut it, trimming the dead/split ends or if you want a sleeker shorter bob, they'll do it.

So far I've rebonded my hair thrice. The first two times were by my sister's friend, who's actually pretty awesome a hairdresser. Unfortunately, she relocated to KL and I only get to see her once every couple of months. Good thing too, she'll flip when she sees that I rebonded my hair... and she wasn't the one to do it.

Rebonding isn't cheap. Bloody fuckin' expensive. Best to be done when there's a promotion of sorts at a reputable salon - Kimage. Seems they have this offer to get your hair rebonded and cut (regardless of thickness and length) at $168 ($178 if you want the leading hairstylist to do it for you).

Am I happy with this cut? The right side of my hair looks a tad bit weird but I'm going to let it grow out a bit before I do some DIY with my scissors. Else, everything's pretty fine and dandy. Depending on how disciplined you are and how well you take care of your hair, the rebond will last between 4 to 6 months. Longer if you are, as I mentioned, disciplined with your hair.

Some people argue the flat, straight hair look is for the ah lians. I am a closet ah lian, minus trance, techno, long fingernails and weird fashion sense (not that what I'm wearing now is any less normal). But seriously, it beats having unmanageable thick hair that's temperamental and frizzes out in the heat. So ah lian or not, I like how I look and how it feels and how I now take less than 10 minutes to do my hair and make-up in the morning!

Elfen Lied is disturbing, the bits where the body is viciously attacked (legs getting spliced off, fingers hacked off at the joints etc). Forget the nudity, the more I watch it the more I find the anime caters itself towards sadistic and masochistic male otakus. *shudder*

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Monday, April 14, 2008 11:24 PM
   42: and so he said

5 lines that I wrote and then I deleted them all. There are some things that you simply can't pen here. But there is one thing, one question that's got me thinking for a bit now.

I think I'm just confused.



   41: trendbreaker

Well-known fact: I have no sense of fashion.

Occasionally I pull off something nice but for the most part, I straggle in bits and pieces resembling that of a disjointed mind. All the fashion magazines in the world, pore through every page as religiously as I can and yet I still churn out the same results.

If only there was someone who could help me out. Or if I had a smidgen of my sister's tastes. My mom just thinks dressing nice is dressing formally. Shirt+skirt. But it takes more than that. Leggings and all just seem trite and cliched and not to say that I have the most fantastic set of legs to match most outfits.

Apparently it seems heels do the trick. But the flooring is wooden and damn if the noise doesn't seem to echo about (since I do have the tendency to walk a fair bit to the loo and all). But I'll figure something out. Somehow. But laundry's done! And without makeup and dark rings about the eyes, I look pretty freaky.


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   40: headspin

I'm still groggy. Had to climb down the bed to turn off the alarm since I lost the remote. Stupid silly thing needs to have like, a beeper function to facilitate easier find. Whichever. Clocked into work at 9:37 and as a result, I'm groggy. I've to head off to the numerous design schools after lunch. Plotting the path and figuring out the most expedient way to get the posters approved by their administration and put up in record time.

From Ah Lian to schoolgirl (and eventually being told to come into school attire tomorrow, wth!). Super sleepy. Super tired. I wish I could just head home to concuss after heading to the schools. And pleasepleaseplease process my leave!



Sunday, April 13, 2008 11:08 PM
   39: comparisons

Even as we grow and age, if there's one thing we're not too particularly fond of is being compared to someone else. We are our own people, our own individuals and we have our own way of doing things. Parents are still ever so ignorant in realizing that this seemingly simple and mere comparison, can do a lot of damage. Irreparable, down that path of decay as their offspring grows older.

So I'm not spared from it. And when I was doing something that I knew she wanted me to do and yet. And yet it just never seems to end. Wiped the wind out of me and now I yearn nothing more than to crawl into bed and pretend that within the fluff and comfort of my duvet and bed, there is an imaginary family who loves without question and never compares.

You think at this age things would have been different. But things like this, they never change. Oh that they never change.

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   38: name-calling

I don't really recall calling people names. Well, we have the inside stuff and all but lately it just seems as if things are getting a bit, nastier? The words used sound a lil' but more vindictive and hurtful. Do we take the other person's emotions for granted? That they'd get used to name-calling and all and it gives us the right to use synonyms that are sometimes harsher?

I don't recall having offended people outright. I've been keeping to myself mostly and if I do have a grudge, only the few, rare close people would know about it. The art of masking disdain and pulling a smile over my face gets easier with new acquaintances or the certain unmentionables. But those who know, know.

One thing's for certain. I've got the munchies and it's time for some housework else the Matriarch screams her head again, calling me lazy and ungrateful. Boo.

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Saturday, April 12, 2008 11:58 PM
   37: image revamp

New haircut. Feels odd but ♥Trex kinda likes it so that's ok I suppose. Damn but it was so cold and I sat till my butt and body ached and the junior hairstylist who was ironing my hair almost burnt bits of my scalp off. But I kept quiet because she was nice to me and I can understand her plight. I have reallyreallyreally thick hair. Got it from the mother and the thickness of it all can possibly kill.

But everything's a lot lighter now! Mos Burger for dinner. Their breaded+fried garlic-lemon mussels taste pretty delish and this time round, I was the one finishing off most of the food. Couldn't help it. I basically sat in the chair for close to 5 hours! Books, occasionally napping and Mario Party kept me company somewhat. I still can't believed I killed a weekend just like that. Hopefully leave gets approved then I get to rest again for April, least till hell freezes over and I get my bearings back (or till ♥Trex finishes his exams and lavishes more time & attention on me :D).

Million dollar question, should I eat and watch movie or eat and watch anime or screw both and go to sleep? Alas... decisions decisions.

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   36: wet mornings

Blissful to sleep through. I thought someone was in my room, fiddling with my things but it was the rain, pattering against the windows first before everything else showered down. Kinda creepy when you think twice about it. I shall not procrastinate and move my wddly cellulite butt off this stool (since I broke the chair, have been waiting till the sis moves so I can get A WHOLE NEW SET OF FURNITURE!), into the shower and off to Funan!

Weird dreams of getting my hair cut, the hairdresser who looks like a Korean actor, school girls filing out of a toilet, afterhaving caused the...
(pronounced as toi-loh-coz)
Immense and intense bowel discharge into the toilet bowl,
rendering all olfactory senses down.
(also known as)
Toilet bowl massacre.
Vicious. ♥Trex came up with that tho. It shall be one of those words that I'll keep using and eventually get everyone else hooked onto. So list of things to do today; get hair done, mail out the laters, meet ♥Trex, finish reading my book.

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Friday, April 11, 2008 4:59 PM
   35: onesevenohoh

When push comes to a shove (or when you're too lazy to walk down a flight of stairs and walk to the end of the block), you make do with the pantry coffee. After all, the boss got us new beans. Avoided it a fair bit because we ran out of sugar, but now there's no excuse. Topped off with tuna sandwiches and a biscuit, I'm settled for my butt to expand in my chair till the clocks chimes 'time to go home!'.

My hair is freaking me out. No amount or type of conditioner is saving me from it being labeled a fire hazard. Yes. Split brown straggly ends. Unruly mop upon my head. I'd love to head off
to the hairdresser's but there's this thing called money that I'm not pretty loaded with. Buggers. Remind dad about my driving fees. This is where I love Google and the interwebs. So many sites to help me figure out the most flattering style for my face.

Square faces have a square jawline and hairline at the forehead. They are 'too short', so a suitable hair cut style seeks to create height elongating the face. Hair should be layered around the face to soften the jawline. Jaw and brow nearly same width. Hair should wisp around face to reduce squareness.
Rebond and a bob. Seems to be the only thing that works. Sadly.

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   34: pride

Proud of myself for concussing after last night's shower when I got back. No dallying on the internet and wasting time = losing precious hours of sleep. Woke up at 7:45 and groggily got ready. Brekkie was last night's Ramlee Burger and it was crispy - toasted with the egg, oil and juice oozing from the sides and dripping onto fingers.

Time check in the office. About 9:40? Lumped with the usual list of things to do, I'm saving my leave application for right before 5pm. Could you do without me on the 17th and 18th of April? Lots of vengeful thoughts on my mind laced with bitter jibes and sarcasm. But I'm holding things in because it's not time yet. Nope. Have you ever fucked someone as a means of taking revenge? On that person? Angry fucking? Interesting thought or let's just say the mind has too many free time. You don't rightly need to use brains to do what I'm doing.

Final thing, it's always so funny for people to say 'taboo' things. Like watching their expression the split-second they realized they made a blunder. It's noon, I'm still sleepy and wanting nothing more than to curl up in bed to sleep.

Did you hear how hard the rain fell from the skies? I did. Lulled me to sleep.



Thursday, April 10, 2008 3:50 PM
   33: about 4 minutes to save the world

Lunchtime, blood donation! My 6th successful donation since I turned 16. Yeah, not very... convincing and inspiring. Not to say, disciplined. Kept putting it off till the SMS (one of the many) today that they desperately needed my blood type.

So we give and give and doesn't anyone realize that as others accept ours, we can only accept our own?

Spent the rest of the day at Improv Everywhere. Opened my eyes to a lot of things - creativity and spontaneity, the greatest expounded lesson learnt. If the group in Singapore ever does one, I'll hop on the bandwagon. The sleeping experiment wasn't really as impactive, imo.

The only happy thing: losing 2kg. Not much, but it's a start. Hot damn but if the blood bank isn't a good 15minute brisk walk from Tanjong Pagar. Under the sweltering heat of the sun, that was threatened by dark skies, and the humidity. But I managed it and left earlier than I should. The plaster makes me feel happy and I remember pain.

Quit whining and get back on track Yin. You're gonna lose out to the bigger fish.



   32: dead asleep

As of late I've just been so tired. It's quite a bitch to wake up and today the boss spoke to me about how my punctuality is just slipping a bit. I understand and I know and I'm going to make sure that for the next few months, I'll be in top form.

Last night did the skeleton for a new layout. Simple, light and a little less cluttered and confused as opposed to this one. Inspired by a blog I saw somewhere, I just hope people don't think I've ripped it off. All that's left is putting the blogger pieces together. Looking to take some time off on the 17 -18 of April. Long weekend for me!

Anyway, got hooked to the whole solve-the-crime/puzzle thing on the Untraceable website. It's by Sony. Pretty nifty or maybe it's because I'm in love with thriller/suspense and whodunnits even though sometimes it's all gruesome, squeamish and bloody.

Oh, before I forget. Yesterday I had my first upskirt experience. At Vivo, heading up to the roof and there was this girl with her boyfriend up ahead on the escalator. As expected, she was wearing a skirt. You know how sometimes you gotta move the waistband a bit to adjust your skirt? Well, she lifted hers and I got treated to a traumatizing sight. I may be a perv at times but I don't mean to purposely look at such things and wait for it to happen.

But yes. Short skirt, thong and a lot of butt. Traumatizing.


   31: love's a funny thing

Good luck for the coming exams ♥Trex!

We're just two very stubborn people who never want to back down from a fight. I'm either right or he's right. It makes for really silly arguments at times. But that's the bit about love. You do stupid foolish things so that you can kiss and make up at the end of it.




Wednesday, April 9, 2008 11:39 PM
   30: the world's gone insane

Just got back from catching Untraceable. The one thing that struck me so hard and deep was just how twisted the world is. It may be fiction but you've been given glances of reality. There's no telling what might happen and how it might happen; the human mind can be a wonderful and yet a dangerous thing.

All those people who tuned in, denying that they're accessory to murder. Didn't the whole term that the more people watch, the faster he'll die trigger something in their rational consciousness? Sad to say that I do know of some people who actually enjoy watching such gruesome things and actually find it entertaining, exhilarating even. What kind of perverse satisfaction do you get from watching sick, twisted and mutilated things happening to other people? What if it were to happen to you? We're all so caught up in our own little world that we fail to realize that there are things on the outside, hell even the borders, that are far more bigger and malicious.

In this scenario, who do we blame? The environment? The parents? The child themself? Or everyone else, whose attention and fascination with what's happening serves as some sick moral, ego pumper that only drives the individual to commit more of these acts and dare I say, be bolder in their next step?

Just the thousand and one possibilities. Just the simple thought. A parent's worry isn't paranoia. Maybe a little at times, but there's truth but most importantly, love beneath it all. I don't know if I should be thankful that the killer wasn't so merciless as to want to ensnare the child.

You could argue, an eye for an eye. Revenge to clear a name. But in such a drastic way? It's not as if you engaged the person in mutual honest combat. Like how the English/French did, slapping the other with a glove to indicate a battle of pride and sorts. In this case, he was catching them unawares. Exploiting their weaknesses. You don't even give them a chance to fight and instead, you turn them into fodder for entertainment.

I don't know which sickens me more. The motives and actions of the killer or the blatant ignorance and masochism of the public.

You watch the show and then you decide.

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   29: everything goes up

In light of rising prices and taxes and transport fares. Sitting down with my financial advisor suddenly made me feel so scared. Of the future and finances and that I've just penned my signature to a long-term savings plan. But it's a good thing, I'll be more disciplined and at least at the end of it all, I have cash for the rainy days.

He's really an awesome guy and who knew that Prudential is now going electronic. No more tree-killing paper wasters, what with photocopying this and printing that. He even took a photo of my ID with a digicam and uploaded it to my papers. There's even that electronic signature thingy which he brought along, making me realize how ugly and unprofessional my signature is.

I need to take some leave to start thinking deeper about my life and what I want to do.



   28: wednesday blues

Meeting with my financial planner. Pick up the posters and pictures (well that's much later). Today's gonna be busybusybusy with the presentation deck for the schools. Every word to be screened and scrutinized. Say the wrong things and it's all byebye! I find myself, all the more, pulled in the direction of leaving it all.

$16 for a box of 100 namecards if you provide the soft copy. Minimum is 3 boxes. Total, roughly $48. Go freelance? Writing, photography and design? Why not. Illiriel needs an upgrade - fix the speakers, bigger memory and more RAM. Or a kind soul could get me a MacBook Pro :) It'll be cute to call my company NoFruitPlease or nofruitplease! Conversation topic like "What the heck is no fruit please?" Well, if you know me you know I hate fruits in my chocolate and blablabla.

Rambled enough. I need coffee, I'm super sleepy and I wish there were more holidays or at least one this month. I've half a mind to take leave the middle of next week. Just because the days are getting excruciatingly boring.



I was gonna go sleep when ♥Trex sent me this YouTube link. It's just so hilarious.

The Evolution of Dance

Ok, now I'm gonna be a good girl and concuss.

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   26: anti-poker

Recently a bunch of friends have been hooked on to Texas Hold' Em. For the clueless, read more about it here. Simply put, it's poker. Gambling. Money on the table and Lady Fate smiling at you (or not) from a deck of cards. They keep bugging me to play it but I resist. Here's why:

I'm not into putting my hard-earned money on the table only to have someone else win it because of a set of cards or to be dealt a shit hand. I don't even understand why people gamble, with the delusion of doubling or tripling the amount that they put into the pool. I'd rather give my money to commercialized establishments (read: shops, fashion boutiques, tech stores) where I'll be happy with my purchase because I get to wear it/play with it/fool around and do things with it. Like my Nintendo DS Lite and my PSP.

So guys, sorry. I won't be joining your late-night poker shindigs for a long time to come.

Had a fair amount of random encounters in the past few days. When I'm that bored I'll tell you bout it. In the meantime, gotta devour How To Talk To Anyone by Leil Lowndes. I confess, I don't know how to make small talk. But the few pages that I've glanced and that I've observed of people (and actually put some to use), have turned out to be very informative and fruitful.

Final note, think it's about time I brought the cans of tuna to work. I'm d-e-a-d broke. Boo.

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Tuesday, April 8, 2008 10:51 PM
   25: things i lust after

One things I miss about my journalism days is when I get to wake up a teensy late and head down to some conference or an interview. No clocking obscene hours in the morning and struggle to the office like a zombie. Today was one of them although I had a far from pleasant experience at my destined location. My god... travelling from home to Hougang felt like an eternity.

One more reason to get that license!

This entry is basically about things I want to do once my sister shifts into her new nest.

1. 17" LCD monitor - because then I can do my work and watch anime/movies at the same time! ♥Trex is doing that at the moment and I are envious.
2. Logitech leyboard - one where the keys are soft to the touch and make nice resounding clicks instead of those nasty hard ones in the office.
3. Printer - because then I won't need to bother my dad's computer to print out documents and assignments (this, is if I do take my Masters)
4. Shelves from Ikea - they may be over-priced and not as durable as they like to pretend they are, but no one can deny how pretty their storage ideas are. And yes, I'm turning into a girl because I'm actually considering peachy pinkish colours. Oh the horror!
Maybe we could consider this a wishlist for my birthday (June June June!). Although I want the first 3 things more than the fourth. So yes. Also, Plaza Sing has this John Little/Robinson sale on the ground floor and they're selling super cheap yet amazingly nice and practical bags! I just got one for 13bucks! A steal I tell you!

Now if only it'll stick on till payday...

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Monday, April 7, 2008 10:02 AM
   24: what does not

Kill you or embarrass you, only serves to make you stronger. Or at least, you've thicker skin and simple lame insults won't even scuff your shoes. Do I really need to deal with the issue of 'face'? Frankly I don't care. For starters, what's the point of being weird or bearing a grudge? It requires effort and energy. Hating people takes up a lot of energy, disliking maybe a little less. So I dislike more than I hate. Good enough.

So just because I dislike someone, doesn't mean I can't still be nice. I don't have to roll out the red carpet and shit. Mother taught me to be polite and courteous despite whatever barely-controlled urges I may have to want to beat the shit out of the person. Not that I hate, but you know, when a woman's mad, c-r-a-z-yy things happen. All over the papers.

Boring parties aside, I'm pretty hungry right now. Pigging out over the weekend - vows and oaths of running 6km = flubbery whale indeed. Desperation aside, it's not always so bad catching movies alone. Last night Jigoku Shoujo nearly scared the shit out of me. More anime runs, most definitely. With a hint of nicotine and tea to go along with it!



Sunday, April 6, 2008 11:46 PM
   23: ronaldo is a pretty boy

And when he runs, he looks like an ostrich. A tie between Manchester United and Middlesborough. No, I've no idea why I'm watching soccer. I'm a loyal fan of Arsenal, eventhough the last time I caught any of their games was when Marc Overmars was still on the team. Time has changed hasn't it? Soccer is still a sport and nothing gets me more riled up than refs playing the biased game and foul play between players. It was pretty interesting to see how everyone still tried their best despite the horrible weather conditions - think light snow, the cold and slick, wet grass.

Definitely not my favourite.

I wish you understood or took note that what I just messaged you was pretty important to me. Not something flighty and frivolous. You'll realize that it'll affect you too, much later.

The new layout's pretty plain. Then again, I've always been into simplicity. I'm on the fence right now. I don't know if I want to ditch this now come May/June and join the famil tradition or stick it out a while longer for my Masters. If I go for it, I can pay for my education. And if I don't... Then my hands are tied.

What's nice to know is that now, I'm not so lonely anymore. There's someone else who shares the same and feels the same way. Even when it's just one person, the thought makes me feel happier than ever.

Thank you and welcome to the Norton Leans McAvoy!

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   22: un-glamorous

Sometimes I'm not so sure about feeling special and stuff. There's a lot of things on my mind and the mixed signals and emotions just tend to mess around with what I thought was stable and rock-solid. Can't really say much, just thinking about things in the dead of the night and wondering "what if". Scenarios and theories that don't really benefit me in the short and long run.

Skipped out on the run this morning for some snooze time. I still feel tired and a lil' achey and well... a tad bit guilty? There's this urge to head out for some fun in the sun - think tennis, squash, running, swimming. But things get a bit lonely when it's just you being the enthusiastic one.

Quick collage done up for Friday's shenanigans. I'm not the least bit photogenic. Sadly.



   21: when you can't sleep

I want to sleep but I keep thinking that if I do, I'd have wasted *insert number*% of my life. After all when you're dead, you're gonna be spending all that time sleeping. Butbutbut if I don't sleep I'm going to turn into a zombie! Such a dilemma (also known as omg wtf this bimbo sial).

McGriddles just sounds super wrong. Let's see if I can wake up for breakfast and/or the Adidas Women's Run. I'm thinking not. Not since I'm actually really tired and my body has just taken a nice beating a couple of hours ago. :P

Plus, I can type in the dark. Ph33r my awesome leet typing skillz!



   20: taking things slow

The weather's been a bit wonky hasn't it? I mentioned a couple of entries back how the on-and-off heat plays mindgames with my brain. Today was pretty much the same. It was cold and then hot, humid and sticky and made me feel sleepy and tired and flustered in the span of a few hours. Spent most of the day in Holland Vee where we browsed through old photos (and realized that we didn't take enough) and having tea instead of our usual - cafe mocha and vanilla latte.

We were meant to do work but ended up just talking nonsense and walking around and exploring places and things. I thought to go Courts; since my sis will be moving in to her lovenest come the middle of the year and look for a new bed. Single with storage space with fluffy matresses and pillows and the comfiest duvet ever. I'll just wait wait wait.

Was in PartyCity when we heard a bunch of remixes on the radio. Coldplay and some RnB hiphop song and Michael Jackson and Nirvana. Weird but strangely enough, they sounded pretty alright.


Saturday, April 5, 2008 1:56 PM
   19: holy hangovers

It's the weekend and it's somewhat depressing when you don't have plans. Well... there is that but I'm really just that lazy to bother and care. Instead, I'll just sit here, all dressed and dolled and edit a couple of shots from last night's madness.

2 bottles of wine - white and red. I don't remember us taking that many photos. All the zhaogeng shots (almost! but not quite!) and how our eyes are glazed and some people's faces were redredred. Hilarious. It was almost full attendance save for one girl who had her cousin's wedding to attend in KL. Hope you had fun and your dress was finally to your liking!

2 years since Oklahoma. Some bits change but mostly everything else stays the same.

It's been awhile since I last listened to Ave Maria. Nothing religious. I've always thought of the rendition by the Vienna Boy's Choir was by far the best. And then I stumble upon Tarja Turunen (vocals for Nightwish) and it kinda just threw me off, blowing me away.

Tarja Turunen

Vienna Boys Choir

Off to StarBucks to listen to some light classical and do a bit of writing. Hoping to join NaNoWriMo this year and finish a novellete on time for a change.



Friday, April 4, 2008 11:00 AM
   18: professional underdogs

When we bought the tickets, and his humour I didn't think Semi-Pro would have been interesting. I don't know Will Ferrel that well. The only other movie starring him that I did catch was Blades of Glory, even so, I was home and nodding off to sleep. But back to Semi-Pro.

It's one of your typical underdog-wins-at-the-end feel-good kinda show. Hello Hollywood, you really are running out of ideas aren't you? Basically put it's about a has-been singer who had a one-hit wonder and used the money to buy a basketball team in his hometown. They suck, save for one or two players but it's more about performance and engaging the crowd and entertainment that matters to them. Or the coach who is the forward and said has-been (Will Ferrel).

Cue in some problem or rather and they need to up their game in order to qualify or be part of the NBA team. Coach trades in a washing machine (this was hilarious though sad, I mean imagine soccer players are traded for a HUGE sum of money and this guy gets traded for a washing machine) for an ex-player of the Celtics and he comes in and everyone thinks he's a hotshot but he isn't and he has his own angsty issues yaddayaddayadda.

But he knows how to play the game and eventually ends up coaching the team. They end up pretty decent. Actually having proper strategies and tactics to win the game. I shan't spoil everything else, it isn't hard since the plot is just so damn predictable. It's a good barrel of laughs when you need something to perk you up after a rather tedious day at work. Acting was alright. I'm no fan of the 70s but the atmosphere was pretty authentic. I just can't get over the weird hairstyles - mullets, afros, really curly do's. Yeah.

You can blow $8 bucks on it or you can wait for it to come out on DVD. Not a must-watch. And speaking of paying for tickets; Golden Village has revised their pricing scheme. Bloody hell, it's all superduper expensive. As if inflation rates and the 7% GST wasn't enough. How does the government expect us to survive and be able to live well when they already dock 20% of our pay to CPF, raise transport fares, GST to 7% and everything else. With all the talk about the GST offset and shit, everyone's saying that once they give money to us (one of the sad perks of being above 21), they're going to find a way to take it back.


In other news, how many of us are actually quite superstitious? Was reading some interesting articles in the local forums and came across one that fit the superstitious bill. About a boy in Malaysia whose shadow was pierced through when he was watching some construction guys doing their job. He fell sick and everyone found out (with the help of a jengjengjeng priest) that his spirit was trapped. I'm not sure if this is scientifically true. I'll ask the mother, she's the expert on spiritual and religious stuff. Most things may not scientifically make sense but the other world really does exist. Some day I'll talk about my close encounters of the intangible kind.

It's the end of the week. I can't believe it. Time flies so fast and so slow all at the same time. The first week of April ended, without much fuss for April Fool's (didn't get tricked or jacked at all, too old for it?) and I'll be trying to cruise the next few weeks till payday.

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Thursday, April 3, 2008 11:20 PM
   17: my heart isn't in it anymore

You think that as you grow older, you stop playing the games when you're in a relationship. That age had somehow played apart in your maturing mentality. It's just funny that we can be mature about certain things and as for others, we're just still so child-like and naive. Or temperamental and childish even.

I honestly don't know what to say. It appears to me you think that I'm taking this all so easily and in stride. I'm sorry that it seems that working keeps devouring me to the point whereby when you're free, I'm not and vice-versa. You're coming to a crucial point, your exams are but weeks away and I'm doing my best in being understanding and accomodating to ensure that you're not distracted, that you're able to complete your work and revision on time instead of putting things aside just so that you can entertain me.

Why else do you think I want to go back to school? That we could be on par and in some sense, help and motivate each other. Seems everything's backfiring tho.

Thanks for being snappy, snarky and showing me attitude. If I had known that instead of trying to help someone you only serve to get slapped in the face with a zuchinni, then I honestly wouldn't have even bothered.

This goes into the books, in future, fuck helping people you care about. Haha. So true so true so true.



   16: rain rain pours away

Outside, the skies are dark and threatening. You hear thunder crawling across the roof and somehow the temperature drops just that bit lower, in anticipation of the watery backlash we're all gonna get. Bloodyhell. I've got driving later on, just my luck to get shitty weather. I just hope that come May 16th, mister sun is nice to me and gives me warm sunshine and beams so that I may (somehow, hopefully) ace my test.

Amongst a list of things that'll need to be done (but I can't since I blew a huge portion of my money on something) - get my hair rebonded and trimmed, buy cloth so that I can learn to sew clothes by my own clothes by myself.

I'm responsible for the condition of my hair turning from glossy smooth to bird-nest-like wiry. All the hair conditioners that I buy and switch from time to time coupled with the conditioners and rubbing my hair together when I towel dry. Nasty habits.


Wednesday, April 2, 2008 11:11 PM
   15: breathing gets harder

It was like a truce, we broke the code of mother being pissed off at errant uncontrollable daughter and they have an hour long talk over dinner about marriage and family and eventually fashion. I'm going to have nice pretty clothes that no other shop nor person will have because my mommy made it for me. Craving for a hit but I'm going to see how long before I crumble under pressure and temptation.

1001 things on my mind; they end with dreams but appear to start off with dead ends. I keep having these words drilled into my head - ungrateful, stubborn, wilful - revolving round and round like a carousel. It's beginning to give me a really nasty headache.


   14: pain is weakness leaving the body

My Sports Science teacher told us that (the quote above) when we were all groaning and moaning after putting us through the most rigorous workout and physical test. The last time I subjected myself to such physical torture was when we were training for Nationals.

My twisted theory on why runners run almost every other day is because if you don't, you're gonna feel the aches and pains from the runs. Like how I'm feeling right now. But if you continue running, everyday your body is in this continuous process of healing and you don't feel much. Mayhaps a slight twinge and then your body conditions itself to think the aches are normal and hence you're able to push yourself further and further.

Most times we can't help it but people try to make life difficult and it's just terribly annoying and troublesome even though you know that it's done in your best interest. But put a rather stubborn, disgruntled and tired Yin after a long day into the mix and you'll realize it's just chaos and a lot of arguments. Simply put I had a rather nasty argument with my mother because of some things and she's pulling angry guilt trip on me. My fault my fault and I should just give in but sometimes parents really know how to rattle your chain and push your buttons.

Sometime a year ago, today, the publishing house was busy prepping for the Swatch FIVB Women's Beach Volleyball World Tour. Press conferences, trips to Sentosa to see a stadium slowly built to house 5,000 people and the gorgeous and bodilicious beach volleyballers and occasionally their male counterparts swarming the stretch of Silos Beach. I miss those moments, even more because it symbolized a rather interesting though tremulous time in my life. I wish I had caught those moments on my camera. But being in on the action, behind-the-scenes, was awesome enough. I was really fortunate to be working with a neat and decent bunch.

Yeah I miss them.

Friday night and it'll be Blu Jaz Cafe with the UniMates (as ♥Trex enjoys a pricey dinner). I miss that lot even more.

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   13: unlucky number indeed

Too many things to bitch/whine/rant about.

It's about to turn 2 in the morning and I better get some sleep else I turn into the living dead. Yeah zombie, I loike! So many things to do so little time so little money and the damned charger does not work. If anyone wants to buy it off, please feel free to do so. The specifics are all here. I sell cheapcheap! Or if the store will take it off my hands since it's brand new and I didn't even bother taking off the damned wrapper!

I hereby name my Lumix - Dynames. In memory, honour and tribute of Lockon 'Neil Dylandy' Stratos. Funny how I used to be a camwhore so much and now I'm too embarassed to even put a decent enough picture of my face. There's always FaceBook!



Tuesday, April 1, 2008 1:55 PM
   12: insane spending habits

The world is too small. Of all places bumping into a blot in my history when I was getting the charger for the Casio. AnduhmIwentandboughtacameratoo. I'm not very good at small-talk, hell I don't even pass the average mark. I'm a fish out of water in social settings, more so when facing things oops, I meant people, from my past. It gives me the shivers, literally. I tremble and my flight instinct takes over.

That aside. Bloody Cbank, for many reasons. But this means more shots, since I want to get an album of my last vestiges of sanity (and a birthday present for many people) ready. Totally not following my savings/budget plan. I need to be more... informed. Or screw that and let my financial advisor sort out the kaching for me. $100 - $150 every month. Frozen assets. That be good. I'd try StanChart but I don't think I earn enough to qualify even decent customer service.

Hate it how people treat you according to how you look and how much you earn a year. It's not as if I'm stuck up and pretentious. I have manners, I say 'thank you' and 'please' and 'excuse me' (ok, so the tone varies in different situations) and I give up my seat to old people and pregnant ladies and parents with errant kids. Don't get me started on kids. Truth of the matter, I come to your establishment and I have money. It depends on whether I want to part with that money. It don't matter if you're all posh and chichi, if your service sucks and I have the moolah (I could dress like a schmuck and earn 10k a month), I ain't gonna hand it over to you. No matter how much I want whatever it is you're selling.

Then again comes the issue of people who don't earn a lot but pretend and act like they do. Flash and bling and everything else and it's hilarious when later on they say that they're broke and skimp on a lot of things. Opportunity cost? Mayhaps.



   11: resolution

I'm strangely more inclined to the Asian models on the runways of Fashion Week 08' as opposed to the Caucasian models. Maybe it's just me; they're so dead and lifeless. Their looks mirror and echo each other. There's just no character. There was this Asian model on the runway during Ashley Isham's show (gorgeous dresses) and she caught my eye - classic Oriental features, small slanty eyes, rosebud lips (thanks to the wonders of lip-liners and make-up) and the porcelain complexion. Not that I have a thing against flawed complexion just that, in some ways, it gives off character. A certain elusive background that we try to grapple with even as we're more focussed on the clothes.

So yes.

I wanted to talk about morbid painters/artists in the Romantic era and got sidetracked. Lost my train of thought, will pick it back up much later. I've come to the conclusion that it isn't wise to dwell in memories, specially those that are a figment of your otherwise very fertile imagination. Unhealthy is an understatement. I'll need to stick to my own memories - good and bad - and remember that I had such moments as well. From that basis, I can't argue that I led such an interesting life, even despite the hiccups of connections gone wrong.

Oh interesting. FlakeGirl replied an email with the wrong name. Even despite the fact she had the mail's history with my name on it. Tsk tsk tsk.

"If a guy irritates you a lot, it just means he doesn't wanna lose you."

Got that off a friend's blog. How's that possible? I ditch guys who irritate me excessively (or at least way more than I can tolerate and tahan). If you don't want to lose a girl, stop acting like an asshole. No one wants to go out nor be with an irritant. Common sense.

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